Principle Adverse Impact Statement
Pursuant to article 7(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 as may be amended, updated or supplemented from time to time (the “SFDR”), Rubrics Asset Management (Ireland) Limited (the “AIFM”) does not currently consider the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. This is on the basis that the AIFM is awaiting further clarity in respect of the detailed requirements in relation to the content, methodologies and presentation of information on sustainability indicators in relation to environment‐related adverse impacts that are expected to be provided in final regulatory technical standards by the European Commission pursuant to Article 4(6) of SFDR. Following the adoption and coming into force of such regulatory technical standards, the AIFM will reconsider its position in relation to the consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors.
Remuneration Disclosure
It is the AIFM’s policy to maintain remuneration arrangements that, among other things, do not encourage risk-taking (including in respect of exposure to Sustainability Risk as defined in the SFDR) that is inconsistent with its risk profile.