
The Rubrics India Fixed Income UCITS Fund invests solely in India’s fixed income market which until now has been largely closed to outside investors. The Fund seeks to earn strong risk-adjusted returns by investing in India’s large, liquid and high yielding government bond market. Additionally, investors have exposure to the Indian rupee as India remains a compelling investment and growth story.

Fund Objective

The Rubrics India Fixed Income UCITS Fund aims to achieve capital growth and income as a result of investing in Indian local government bonds and government-backed corporate bonds also known as Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).

Fund Type UCITS V variable capital investment company
Minimum Investment A1/B1/C1: US $500 or equivalent
A3/B3/C3: US $100,000 or equivalent
Performance Fee None
Liquidity Daily
Share classes EUR, GBP and USD
Tracking The Fund can be tracked on Bloomberg, FT and Morningstar
Domicile Ireland

Rubrics Fixed Income Team

To view the fixed income team, please click here.


Marcos Volich

Phone: +44 (0) 207 186 9939

