18th October 2019

For the full Politics of Economics update, please click the link below. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE For more information please contact Rubrics Asset Management. info@rubricsam.com. more

8th October 2019

Are today’s political institutions fit for purpose? Such has been the level of recent upheaval this might not be as churlish a question as it seems. In order to address it, we must look at the root causes of the current political maelstrom. Click here to read the full article For more information please contact Rubrics Asset […] more

23rd September 2019

Casting our minds back to 2016, optimism was rife at the prospect of fiscal stimulus and the knock-on impact on growth and inflation. Bond yields soared. Today that optimism has all but evaporated. Instead, the bond market is reacting to one thing; Fear. Fear of further trade war escalation, Fear of market illiquidity, Fear that […] more

14th June 2019

After a tumultuous Q 4 18 2019 began with great optimism at the prospect of yet another central bank reflation. Indeed the market grew palpably giddy when January’s aggregate social financing numbers were released in China. If this was a sign of things to come then the global economy was back in business. Such optimism, we felt (and in […] more

12th April 2019

The continuation of the drop in global bond yields has been a feature of 2019. Much of this has been driven by the marked turnaround in the monetary policy stance of the US Federal Reserve. Whilst changes in certain economic and financial indicators (PMI, Retail sales, US yield curve) support this shift in outlook, other […] more

19th March 2019

2019 has so far been very positive for risk assets, despite a backdrop of slowing global growth. Much of this has been driven by heightened market expectations of a renewed global stimulus drive. We explain why we do not believe this will be forthcoming and examine some of the longer term factors impacting global growth. […] more

8th March 2019

For the full Global Reflation Fades update, please click the link below. Click here to read the full article For more information please contact Rubrics Asset Management. info@rubricsam.com. more

11th January 2019

2018 was a turbulent period for asset prices as markets transitioned from a period of “synchronised” global growth to an environment of declining central bank liquidity and political unrest. While it remains to be seen if 2019 will bring more of the same, we do believe it will provide greater opportunities for active investors. Click […] more

5th December 2018

What a difference a week can make. Having been some way off normalised rates only a few days ago, now (apparently) we are almost there. While some market participants may feel vindicated in their prediction of a change in pace from the Fed, there are still a number of questions to be answered before the […] more

13th November 2018

With the FED ready for its fourth rate hike in December and global growth concerns increasing and feeding into the global financial markets, Senior Portfolio Strategist Antonio Del Favero looks at the leading drivers of the sell-off in emerging markets and of the double spike in the volatility of risky assets. VIEW THE FULL PRESENTATION […] more

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